Sunday, July 13, 2014

Breast Englargement--Rock Melon Experiment Start up Information

There are a lot of women out there who want larger breast, but let's face it--surgery has some less preferable downsides, particularly the cost. So what is a good way to increase your breast size naturally, if surgery is definitely out of the question? Well there are dieting, exercise and apparently a ringtone that is suppose to help with Breast Growth.

But before I go into those methods, we need to understand what can cause small breast because different reasons may affect whether or not eating certain foods will increase breast growth. So what causes small breast? Well the answer to that is: vitamin deficiencies, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, drugs, energy blocker, thyroid, stress/depression, poor fat content, hormonal deficiency during puberty, and even genetics. So how could food help with one or more of these problems? Simple, the foods increase your breast size because they are supplementing you with more estrogen. Since some factors behind smaller breasts are a lack of vitamins, poor diet, hormonal imbalance (from lack of estrogen) or poor fat content then foods can be an aid. If you have hormonal imbalance sometimes a better diet is not enough, you may need to see an endocrinologist to help. If you have thyroid problems it is also suggested to see a doctor in addition to turning to a better diet. So for most of these factors, eating a healthier diet will at least help marginally.

However I am going to be attempting to listen to just the ringtone--not changing any of my diet/ exercise habits the first 10 days. Then I will wait about 7-10 days before starting a modified version, if eating healthier/working out and listening to the ringtone. Then I will wait another 7-10 days before just seeing if diet/exercise works.

***I would like to point out that this is an experiment. I am in no way guaranteeing that this method will increase your breast size; however I have nothing to lose and even if this method does not increase my breast size . Plus I figured others would like to see if it actually worked as well***

Now I've seen this ringtone on Youtube--and I have embedded the video above-- but when researching it I really could not find too much about it. And what I did find took a lot effort to get--because I just didn't want the ringtone, I wanted the reason as to why it worked. The inventor, Doctor Tomabechi, explains why it works.
"...The ringtone works because it contains the subliminal sounds of a baby crying..."
This is supposedly suppose to work because women’s bodies will respond to the ringtone just as women’s bodies respond to crying infants. By affecting the women’s mind into thinking there is a crying baby, the ringtone will produce the same physiological changes to a women’s body as a crying baby will: breast growth.

Although I have not been able to find it, one blog says that the Discovery Channel had recorded an experiment in which a young woman experiences a 3-centimeter breast growth by listening to Mr. Tomabechi’s Rockmelon Ringtone over a period of 10 days.

Therefore I will be listening to this ringtone (on youtube because there is a video--the one I embedded into the blog--that has the ringtone in a set of 10; therefore I will only have to listen to the video twice daily) for a ten day period and see if I grow in any size. Granted I might listen to it more than twice--as I have not really seen if there are any negative affects to listening to it more than 20 times a day.

Now I know I said this was a ringtone, so why am I listening to it on youtube? I do not use my phone very often and if I had placed it merely as a ringtone then I would never be able to listen to it 20 times a day. Therefore I will listen to it on youtube.

By listening to this sound for 20 times a day, women supposedly saw at least 3 cm growth within their breasts size. As I really cannot find this on the discovery channel and no experiment has been done--although I did see one blog, she had only done One day--I figured I will post exactly what I feel with listening to this, if there is any change in growth or not. I will also include what I ate that day, and the exercises I had done.

I hope (if any one actually reads this or is curious) that they follow this blog. I will be more than willing to take any suggestions or question you all have!

I would like to point out that this Post in the blog is merely information on what I am doing and a "procedure" I will be taking if other's want to follow suit. My "Day One" of the experiment will probably start when I can actually get the necessary food/dumbbells...which will be my next payday/when I go to the store/day off to be able to do the errands. Hopefully that will be on the week of July 15-19.

Works Cited
  1. Dr. Tomabechi Ringtone (Otaku Companion blog--Japanator)
  2. Ringtone for Bigger Bust: Rockmelon Ringtone
  3. Rockmelon--Breast Enhancing Ringtone on Youtube.
  4. Foods That Increase Breast Size: Do They Actually Work?

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